Did you go to a school where students used first names for all or some teachers instead?
For the year following highschool graduation, I lived in Norway and was amazed to hear first names being used, in class, out loud, for teachers. At the time (age 17/18) I remarked at how different it made a class environment feel--more personable, and respectful in that by calling a teacher by their first name it made them seem more human...like they could be your neighbour...someone you could know outside of school. It also made me, as a young person, feel more grown up to be using the teacher's first name. I felt more responsible, somehow.
It also made me notice that the Norwegian teachers in that school never had to deal with correcting out-of-line/angry students who would try to take cheap shots at the teacher by not using Mr./Mrs/Ms.
I guess my own uneasy feeling about being called my my title may have to do with the fact that as a student in highschool I noticed that some kids just needed to rebel against authority. The Title just seemed like an easy target. Also, in our English-speaking culture, to call someone by their Mr?Mrs/Ms. title is to show respect. Should we demand respect as teachers? Isn't respect something that should be earned? Don't we respect someone more when they don't put themselves on a pedastal first?
What is in a title...??
I personally have mixed feelings on the issue.