Thursday, December 3, 2009

Behavioural management

Hi Everyone,

So, we have all had our bad days complaining about this our that in our program, but today I asked myself if I felt better prepared to be a teacher then I did 3 months ago. The answer is yes! I feel more prepared to enter a classroom then I ever have before. Even our crazy, yet wonderful, philosophy class has really started to grown on me and I am now seeing the benefits of it.

If I could add anything to this program it would be a class on behavioural management and special needs. Does anyone else feel that more training in these areas could be beneficial or in any other areas? Or does anyone know of any good work shops out there on behavioural management in the classroom? I feel that it will be a major issue in our classrooms and that more training would be great so if anyone has any advice please let me know.


  1. Hi Tara,

    I'll try to organize a workshop on Behavioural management and special needs next sememster - thanks for letting us know that you are intersted in learning more!

  2. Hi Tara!
    I just wanted to encourage you to use some of the techniques that Dr. Cressey lectured on in his class. I purposely used positive reinforcement with the girls in my girls group and it worked so well! They listened and respected each other and me so much better on the night that I started implementing it that now I use it every time we have discussions and activities that require them to pay attention!
